Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Having Fun!

It's funny - as a mom some days I feel like an utter failure. Like so much so I question the sanity of the hospital workers who let me take this baby home. But then there's other days where I feel like I got this. I feel like this whole mom thing is super easy and I could easily have four more kids - no problem.

So when I write my posts, I try to be careful to stay away from the computer when I'm at either extreme. But sometimes that doesn't work out. I feel (hope) that when I write and feel like a failure other moms can relate and it gives them some encouragement to know they're not alone.

But sometimes I like writing when I feel like "I got this" to show that being a mother isn't super hard all the time, but a ton of fun. I don't want Avery to grow up and read my posts and think that raising her was just something I "made it through" but didn't enjoy. My only hesitation to write about those times is I know for me, when I talk to certain moms or read their blog and it's all rainbows and sunshine 24/7 it makes me feel bad about myself and like I'm doing something wrong. Sort of like "she has it all together, why can't I?"

Having said that I feel like maybe I've earned time to write about how much fun I'm having with her. So I'm just warning you that I'm at the "I've got this" extreme, but that doesn't mean I'm trying to make it seem like life is perfect. But I am past the stage where it gives me anxiety to just go out in public or yelling at poor Rustin at the drop of a hat because I've been waking up at 4:40am for the past month. I just didn't have it easy that first year, so it makes me happy that things are better!

Lately she has been sleeping until around 7am. I am amazed at what getting adequate sleep does for me. I feel like a whole new person.

And Avery is growing more and more every day. Dare I say - sometimes I want her to get up from her nap so we can do stuff. She is saying more and more words and showing more of her cute little personality.

She got a toddler Bible at her 1st birthday and we have been reading it with her and she loves it! She even asks for it all the time by name.

I have been taking her to music class, and she loves that too. She also even loves going to the church nursery (most days). I think she just has a blast around other kids.

One of my friends in my life group has a daughter the same age as Avery and they hang out a lot. Her name is Abigail, and Avery goes around saying "Abby" all the time. She even cries when we leave her. Here are some pics of them. This is Abigail feeding Avery a fake donut (don't ask).

And this is them eating lunch together at Chick-Fil-A

She is also quite the ham and loves showing off. The other day we went grocery shopping and she refused to take off her sunglasses inside. This is the face she makes when you say, "Avery, smile for the camera."

I think the weather being warmer has helped a lot because we can go outside or "side" as she calls it. She likes "helping" Rustin and I pull weeds or brush Baloo. I also got her a pail and shovel and watering can to play with. I would like to eventually get her a swing set, but she has so much fun with nothing out there right now, I guess we can wait.

Nana came for a visit and we had a lot of fun! Of course we had to go to Gloria's. As I mentioned in another post, Avery is learning to use a fork and spoon so she had a lot of fun eating things out of her bowl there - including the bean dip. Hey, can you blame her?

Ok so I have to share this. I always judged moms who put things that were clearly TMI on Facebook (I mean c'mon I don't need to know when your child poops!) But of course, again, I am eating my words. However I feel more comfortable sharing this on my blog rather than blasting Facebook, but Avery pooped in the potty!! I'm not really potty training her, but just getting her used to the idea. Not sure if/when it will happen again, but I was so excited! Now I get why parents post about it...