Monday, April 9, 2012

Avery 7 Months & Easter

Avery turned 7 months old on April 7. I think I say this every time, but I can't believe she is that old! I feel like I am taking her monthly pictures every day!

Here are a few -

She didn't go to the doctor this month, so I don't have her official "stats" but her weight is about 16 pounds.

She has been moving right along with her solids. I tried to put off giving her fruit for a while because I heard they may stop eating their vegetables, but I finally gave her pears and she is obsessed with them! If you don't feed her fast enough, she fusses.

Still no signs of any teeth. My mom said I didn't get teeth until I was a year old, so maybe she's slow like me! She also still has very little hair (like her dad). I have friends who can put clips in their baby's hair. Ha...she's not even close to that!

She had a good first Easter. This is her picture with the bunny Grandmommy gave her.

She is hitting all of her milestones backwards. She rolled from her stomach to back in December, but hasn't since this day. Then about a month ago she started sitting up - which she's been dying to do for a while. Then the other night in her crib she rolled from her back to her stomach for the first time. She HATES being on her tummy so she laid in there and fussed until I went in and rolled her over! I guess she's forgotten she can roll herself over! AND it's supposed to be easier for her to roll that way!

I really think she may not crawl and go straight to walking. I haven't been the best about giving her tummy time because she's always hated it with a passion. She's been so hard to keep happy that I don't want to do something to her that I know will make her mad! Plus, she just hates laying down. She always wants to sit up, and she loves us to hold her so she can stand.

I finally got a jogging stroller, and I think the favorite parts of her day are our jogs (ok ok it's really walks) and bath time. She loves splashing around and laughing in there!

I know Avery is much more interesting, but here is an update on me - I decided to start subbing at the school I taught at last year - which is literally one mile from my house. Even though teaching came with tons of headaches, I loved being around the kids and also the other teachers. I figured subbing was perfect - I only have to work when I want to and I get all the perks of teaching but none of the paperwork, grading, etc. Rustin's mom said she would watch Avery for me. I don't plan on doing it much, but at least I'll have a little extra spending money! I've had a lot of fun the few days I've done it and have especially enjoyed seeing my students from last year and my old team.

Also, I'm turning my hair back blonde when I go to Wichita Falls next week.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fourth Anniversary

On March 29 Rustin and I celebrated our fourth anniversary! I can't believe it's been four years since this -

Sadly the only anniversary we've been together for was our first one. Rustin has been traveling during all the others. What's ironic about this year is he's not even traveling for work right now. He just randomly got asked to go to a client in Chicago that week only. It doesn't bother us too much though - we just celebrate the weekend after. And since he was in Chicago that week, I went to Wichita Falls!

We couldn't decide what we wanted to do this year. Since we have Avery, we didn't really want to go out of town. We threw around a lot of ideas and decided to go wine tasting in Grapevine. I've been wanting to do it for a while, and since we aren't going to make it to Napa anytime soon, we thought we might as well do the next best thing :)

The weather was beautiful, and we had a lot of fun going to the different wineries and walking around downtown Grapevine. For anyone who's interested in going, our favorite one was Cross Timbers. They are the only ones who served food and they gave us a *huge* tray of cheese and crackers. And they were super nice and had the best wine.

Since our wedding we have moved to Colorado, moved back to Texas, bought a house, and had a baby! Can't wait to see what else the future has in store for us!