Friday, October 25, 2013

Texas Accent

So Avery has quite the Texas accent. I would try to blame it on Rustin, but I know I can't do that. ...although I don't think I have quite the accent she does!

I sort of forget about it, then we get around other people and they always laugh about it. She says "there" like they-ere (not sure really how to write that, but you get the idea).

I have successfully brainwashed her into loving John Mayer like me, so whenever I ask her what music she wants to listen to, she says "John Mayer" (much to Rustin's dismay).

So anyway I took this video to show Andrea (I knew she would appreciate it) but it sort of shows her little accent. Also, yes she is wearing a princess dress, and yes that is our (still) unfinished fireplace in the background. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

German Glitter Letter + A Cute Little Girl

So I've been loving German Glass Glitter. If you're not familiar with it, it is actual glass pieces coated in silver and imported from Germany. I made an A initial using it, but decided to take some pictures of it to possibly sell in my Etsy shop. In Pottery Barn's latest catalogue they had german glitter letters, so I thought this might be something other people like too.

Well... Avery wanted to join me, of course. At first when she kept getting in the shot, I was sort of frustrated, then I realized, wait - this could be really cute!

So we did a photo shoot with her AND the letter, which coincidentally makes a super cute photo prop.

And, like her mom, she also had to have a My Little Pony with her.

Now if I had planned this, I would have combed her hair so it didn't look like she had a faux hawk. Oh well...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pumpkin Patch(es) 2013

So we've been to two pumpkin patches so far this season. Avery loves them, so we go whenever we can.

The first one we went to was Painted Pony Pumpkin Patch in Wichita Falls-

It was awesome! There was a pen with goats and chickens the kids could walk right into. Avery had fun putting the wood chips on the goats and chasing the chickens. Then, of course, they had pony rides. She had a lot more fun riding this time than when she rode an actual horse. I guess the ponies were more her speed. I also got bit by an emu. They were in the pen next to the goats. I am now scared of those things! 

Then the other day we continued our tradition (2 years running!) of going to the Owens Farm Pumpkin Patch.

Since Avery loves animals, we had to go feed the goats first. 

We walked around to the stables and saw some baby chicks and rabbits. Avery said they stunk and kept holding her nose! 

Then we went to see the horses....who apparently stunk too. 

But since she's just like her mom and loves horses :) she didn't care and wanted to look at them. They were HUGE, gorgeous Percheron horses. It was so cute because I said I wanted to ride the gray one (the biggest one) and she immediately chimed in and said she wanted to ride the white one.

Despite her love for animals, her favorite part is the hayride. We had to ride three times. I'm sure she would have ridden 50 if we would have let her. 

Then it was time to go pick out a pumpkin -

But first, her and Daddy got lost in the maze. 

I love this picture! It looks like she's looking up to heaven and a light is shining on her.

We had tons of fun, and who knows, we may go to another patch before October is over!