Saturday, May 24, 2014

Baby #2

There are a few things I've learned - 1) I am a horrible blogger - as in I can't seem to find time to keep up with it. And 2) I don't remember ANYTHING on my own. Because of that, I need to fix #1. Anytime anyone asks me something about Avery (When did she start eating solid foods? When did she start sleeping through the night?) I have to tell them I don't know and have to check my blog. Lucky for me, I was pretty good at keeping up with it when she was little. So I am DETERMINED with baby #2 to get back into it.

So I guess I should start there - we are expecting Baby #2! SHE is due Sept. 26, 2014.

It took us a little longer to get pregnant with her (10 months) but it was well worth the wait. Of course the first trimester was hard, but the second, so far, is great!

I was unhappy with my OB office with my first pregnancy so I decided to switch this time. I didn't like it because there were about 5 doctors in the practice and they want you to see all of them because you don't know who is going to deliver you. In theory this sounds great, but what happened in reality is you get lost in the shuffle and I felt like none of the doctors had a clue what I had told the other doctor at my last visit. (This was Adriatica in McKinney.)

So I switched to Craig Ranch because it was closer. Well they have the same model. What pushed me over the edge was when I went in for my first sonogram and brought Avery and Rustin with me. We waited for an HOUR AND A HALF. Not joking. Not exaggerating. Imagine trying to keep a two year old happy for that long (and close to nap time I might add). I understand things come up, but what happened is that all their appointments that morning needed the sonogram machine. I would think that would be something you would consider when booking appointments. Or if you see the wait will be that long, offer me another appointment.

Long story short, I switched to a doctor in Allen (Dr. Weise). A friend recommended him to me and honestly why I didn't go to him sooner is that he is a man. Anyway glad I got over that because he is AMAZING! Wonderful Christian guy and his practice is SO much less busy. Like I've said before - if you don't like your doctor - SWITCH. I'm so glad I switched pediatricians years ago and I'm so glad I made this switch.

We are currently deciding on names for baby girl. Rustin and I have very different views on names so it has been quite interesting. Hopefully we will agree on something before she arrives!