Thursday, May 30, 2013

Catching Up

I think when you don't do something for a while (even if it is a thing you enjoy) it's hard to get back into it. I realized blogging is one of those things along with going to the gym and spending time with the Lord. But when you do go back, it's always worth it!

When I don't blog for a while, I get overwhelmed about all that's piling up that I want to share and so I just don't do it. I feel like I need to go into detail and try to be witty, etc. But if I wait until I have time for that, I will never blog! So here is a super fast (non-witty) update on what has been going on...

First, Rustin and I celebrated our 5th anniversary on March 29. When we went on our honeymoon we decided we would go back to St. Lucia or our dream, Bora Bora, on our 5th anniversary. Ha! Did we think we wouldn't have kids and have won the lottery?? Oh well we had fun celebrating right here!

And then we adopted a cat. Whenever I go to Wichita Falls, I always ask Rustin if I can get a cat from the Humane Society and he always says no. Not sure why, but this time he said yes. We named her Harper, although we should have just named her Meow because that's what Avery calls her. And yes, Avery LOVES her! She really is the best cat. She is really friendly and laid back.

And last, I went on a girls' canoe trip last weekend. The first time I went canoeing I was sick and shouldn't have gone, so needless to say it was a horrible trip. Not to mention the fact that my canoe capsized immediately upon hitting the water and I lost my oar about halfway through. Anyway I vowed to never go again, but we went for Andrea's 30th and I couldn't say no and have gone a few times since and LOVED it! It was so much fun!! 

So that's the high points of what's been going on. Avery is more and more funny every day and saying all kinds of new words. Hopefully I'll be better about keeping up!