Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thanksgiving & Avery 3 Months

I can't believe it - Avery turned three months old on Dec. 7. She is getting so funny and showing her little personality. She has discovered her hands and just loves them. When she catches them in her line of sight, she gets very excited. She also loves it when they accidentally make it into her mouth. She used to only suck on her hands when she was hungry but now she does it for fun!

She's going to hate me for talking about this when she's older (and this may be TMI) but when she goes to the bathroom, it is SO loud! That is what usually wakes me up in the morning on the monitor. Seriously sometimes when Rustin's holding her, I ask if that was her or him. We took her to home group the other night for the first time and it was a real quiet, serious part and she started in. No one dared look. I'm sure they thought it was an adult and were embarassed for them.

Anyway here is her little 3 month picture. The colors don't really go, but she just had to wear her Christmas bow!

We haven't really done much this month. We're still trying to figure out this whole "life with a baby" thing, but we did go to Wichita Falls for Thanksgiving. We switch back and forth between my parents and Rustin's parents for holidays. We had a lot of fun seeing my family and Avery finally got to meet her Uncle Colby...

She also got to meet her cousin. Well I guess he's her cousin...or maybe second cousin? Anyway she got to meet Jayric - my cousin Kenzie's little boy. I don't have the picture but my grandma really wanted a picture of her with both of them, and they both were screaming crying haha!

We also did Take 2 of the four generations picture. None of us liked the other one, and I still looked pregnant. Although we can always find something wrong with pictures, we all approved of this one.

And we had to get a family picture...

My worry this month has been Avery's sleep schedule (or lack thereof). I have worn myself out researching sleep strategies. Right now, we have a routine, but just no schedule. I think it's hard for people who don't have a colicky baby to understand how much harder it is. I really have to put her down for a nap within two hours of being awake or she gets overtired and then it's a mess. Because of that, it's really hard for me to take her anywhere. Even though I put her down for naps a lot, she doesn't stay asleep long so I hardly have any time during the day to get anything done (including brushing my teeth and eating). I shouldn't complain because she sleeps through the night, she just doesn't sleep much at all during the day. Thankfully Rustin's parents live here now and his sweet mom watches her a lot for me. We take turns with them on Sundays going to church. My mom also comes down for several days at least once a month, which is a huge help too. 

This is sometimes how we nap. Some of the books say not to, but I don't care! There will come a day when she will be too big to nap with her mommy. 

Hopefully I will update again before another month goes by!