Weight: 11 lbs 7oz 59%
Length: 22.75" 56%
Head Circumference: 15" 27%
Here is her two month picture-
She has now celebrated her first Halloween and Thanksgiving! Here is Halloween -
And we were in Wichita Falls over Thanksgiving and went to the Fantasy of Lights -
She is really such a great baby. And if you read that and are bitter, please go back and read my posts from this time with Avery. TRUST me, I paid my dues!
Even though she is great, it is still a big adjustment going from one to two. She may be an easy baby but I also have a 3 year old this time! I keep saying I am overwhelmed with life. I am having a hard time finding a minute to do normal tasks like empty the dishwasher and do laundry. I keep telling myself it will get better... it will get better...
Arden is still sleeping in our room. I moved Avery to her own room super early - like two weeks I think. I don't know what it is with Arden - whether it's that I know she's my last baby or that her room is all the way upstairs. With Avery we were still living in our one-story, but now Arden's room is literally the furthest room from ours in the house and I am dreading making that trek in the middle of the night. But I will say there have been several nights where she's slept all the way through - from like 9pm-6am. My goal is to start transitioning her to her room at 3 months.
And like her sister, she sleeps in a swing. People may say what they will but I really believe babies need a "4th trimester" and Avery gave it up when she was ready, so when Arden is ready I will move her to her bed.
Almost every night Avery wants me to take her and Arden's picture so here are a couple -
And here are a few of Arden just hanging out.
I also let her take naps on me when I can (so pretty much only when Avery's napping) and I love those little cuddles! Also, she does not take a pacifier! I was so thrown off by that since Avery was obsessed with it, but they are certainly their own person as I can already tell.
I really have so much more to write about but there are about 50 other things I need to be doing right now so I guess it will have to wait :) Happy two months, Arden! We love you!