Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Arden Five Months

Our little munchkin is five months old! For some reason I feel like up to four months, they're still an "infant" but five months seems so BIG!

Here are a few "outtakes" from her photo shoot -

She has made a lot of transitions this month. She moved from the swing to the crib (whew!) and I thought we were done with transitions for a while because I planned to keep her swaddled as long as I could. (Avery was swaddled until six months and she was ready so the transition was super easy.)

Well Arden started rolling onto her tummy when swaddled. The first night she did it I thought it may have been a fluke because she hardly ever rolls from tummy to back (which is easier) and had NEVER rolled from back to tummy before. So I figured I would try again and sure enough the next morning she was on her tummy again.

It's a major suffocation risk to keep them swaddled when they can roll so I had to take it away and she was NOT happy. Her arms are so wild. They hit her in the face, rip her paci out of her mouth, etc. I tried swaddling her with arms out and also putting her in a sleep sack, but they didn't help at all because they didn't restrain her arms. I researched other options but the only thing I could find on the market that restrains arms a bit but is safe for rolling is a Zipadee Zip, which I remember seeing while watching Shark Tank.

I decided to give it a shot and I really like it! I mean, I would still swaddle if I could, but this is the next best thing. The other thing I like about it is it keeps her from sucking her thumb, which she is REALLY trying to do right now.

Also her hair has gotten quite a bit lighter. When she was born it was super black like mine was/is, but now it has gotten light brown.

I started giving her some solids and she LOVES it! I could hardly get Avery to eat anything, but Arden can't get enough. I started with rice cereal and moved on to green beans and she loves both.

She is OBSESSED with Avery. Anytime she is around, Arden can't keep her eyes off her. And if Avery talks to her, she cracks up the whole time. I love that they already love each other!