1) It always sort of annoyed me when moms acted like they had the market covered on being tired, as if no one else was tired. I used to think to myself that I have a pretty demanding job too, and I put in a lot of hours and don't get a lot of sleep either. Well I had no idea what getting no more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep for weeks can do to your body. I have never felt exhaustion like that, no matter how "busy" I was. I joked that I should have done a lot of clubbing before I had her to prepare myself for being up all night haha. Thankfully, it started getting better after the first 2 weeks.
2) I also didn't know what stay at home moms did all day. I thought I would be bored. Ha! There are some days when I literally don't have time to brush my teeth until 2pm.
3) I feel bad admitting this but I got annoyed when babies would cry at church or a restaurant or wherever I was. I felt like I should be able to enjoy those things in peace. So now I am having a hard time going out in public because I know other people are probably thinking that. Now I realize how selfish I was. I don't want to be stuck in the house for the rest of my life and since I have to take her with me everywhere, she will probably cry. Oh well.
4) I didn't really get annoyed with this, I just thought it was funny when people would show me pictures of their baby (or niece or nephew). They were cute, but just looked like another baby to me. Of course, the person showing the picture was super excited, so I was happy for them. Now I get why people want to show pictures and post things about their baby on facebook. They're your life, and you love them so much. It's hard not to share with other people! So yes, my status updates will probably include Avery most of the time :)
Well those are just things I've learned so far. I'll close with some pictures. These are from her newborn session. DeEdra with PhotoEmotion in Wichita Falls did them.