Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Words/Wichita Falls

So Avery has been jabbering for a while now, but it seems like just lately she's been saying all kinds of new things!

She had mama, dada and Willie (although she said it like "whee") down. But lately she has added ice, cracker, Nana, bye, hello and good. She'll pretty much imitate anything we say. Also if you ask her what sound a doggie makes, she puckers her lips and goes "woo woo."

The cutest though is she says our dog's name Baloo like "Boo." And when she sees him, she says "Hi Boo!" several times.

We went to Wichita Falls a few weeks ago, and she had a lot of fun! She was so excited to see her BFF, Willie.

She also loves Lyle and apparently decided his lips were chapped because she politely placed the vaseline on him. I don't have a picture of it, but she also put my mom's travel lotion in between Willie's paws.

She is a mess when eating. She has reverted back to throwing things, but also found a new thing to do at Nana and Grandpa's - put piles of food on the big table.

She also talks on the "phone" now. She puts it way behind her back - hasn't quite gotten down the whole ear thing yet. She says "hello" when she gets it. The other day when we were driving around, I heard her jabbering a ton in the backseat, so I looked in the mirror and she had one of her phones and I guess was talking on it. Whoever it was, she had a lot to say!

I also feel so lucky - I happened to be in town when Sarah was having a dinner to celebrate her soon-to-be second baby. Kathryn was even in town too! I have been friends with these sweet ladies since sophomore year of high school. 

So... I judge myself for this pic. Avery loves eating ice. As I said before, she can say it, so she lets me know when she wants some. So sometimes I put some in her bowl and put it on the floor. Well Willie decided he wanted some of her ice so they sat on the floor sharing ice. 

Another thing I may be judged for...She wants everything she sees, so as long as it's safe, I give it to her. My mom had her in there while I was getting ready. She wanted to wear my headband and also hold my makeup. 

She stopped wearing bows a few months ago - seriously cried and ripped them off when I tried to put them on her. But now she's decided she likes things on her head. She kept wanting me to put my band on her. 

She also LOVES wearing her winter hat. I put it on her while walking from the car to the store, but she never wants to take it off once we get inside. 

She got to see Uncle Colby several times while she was there! Her favorite thing is when he sings. She crawls really fast so she can look at him. 

This is one of my favorite pictures. Avery has all three of her most-loved things - paci, blankie and Willie.

I feel like I should add a disclaimer here about the paci. I know I posted a while back that I was weaning her off of it and only giving it to her at night. Ha. That is not happening right now. A few days after I tried that is when she went insane and decided to fuss all the time and wake up like a newborn. I was willing to do anything to make her happy - including the paci. So she has it whenever right now. I'm torn if I should try to wean it to only night now, or just let her have it now and go cold turkey when she's older. I guess we'll see... 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I was really excited about Halloween this year. Even though it's technically Avery's second Halloween, I feel like it's her first because she was less than two months old for the last one and we didn't do much.

Around July, I was thinking of family Halloween costumes (because I knew it would take me that long to get it all together). I found some cute ones that would even include Baloo. I asked Rustin his opinion and he said something to the effect that he couldn't think about Halloween in July, so I decided to give up and just dress Avery up.

Well on Oct. 30 guess who wanted to dress up... I told Rustin it was way too late, so we just dressed Avery up in her zebra costume.

She LOVED her costume! I tried it on her before Halloween to make sure it fit and she acted all proud of herself whenever she was wearing it.

A family pic. At least we're wearing orange and black? -

A couple from our church (Amanda and Kyle and their daughter, Abigail) came over and we went to our neighbors' (the Wootton's) Halloween party. They had a fire pit and grilled out in their front yard and a few other neighbors came as well. It was a lot of fun.

I was holding Avery and she put her arms out for Shannon to take her! She even wanted Shannon to hold her for a long time.

I thought maybe if I let her down on her blanket she would have fun. Her friend, Abigail, can walk and I think she's jealous.

We took a few more, but she wasn't too happy... unless the dogs were around.

She preferred someone holding her. The little tail on the costume was too cute! 

This one is a little blurry but I thought it was so cute! She loves her "da."