In case you aren't sure how old Avery is, she will tell you when you ask her. She can also make "two" with her fingers although, as Uncle Colby accurately observed, it looks a little like a gang sign.
Here are her "stats"-
Weight: 26 lbs, 41%
Length: 35", 80% (yes, still tall)
Head Circumference: 18.5", 36% (apparently has a small head like her dad)
We had a ton of fun for her 2nd birthday! Before I show pictures I feel like I should add a disclaimer. Traditionally I have been against the "over the top" parties parents tend to throw here in the Dallas area. Does anyone remember that show- My Super Sweet 16? Sometimes I feel like I live in that show, but instead of parents spending their 401k on the 16th birthday, it starts at Year 1 and doesn't stop.
Now I just said that, and when I show pictures, I MAY seem like a hypocrite, but wait... let me explain! Rustin is going to India on a mission trip (if we haven't already hit you up for support, check out his site and please consider supporting him: so I planned to do a small party, but one day had a "lightbulb" moment and thought we could do a fundraiser for his India trip and Avery's birthday combined. SO for that reason and that reason alone, we did a big (or big for us) party.
First of all... the cake. I had fully planned on getting cupcakes from Tom Thumb, but one of the sweet jr. high girls I used to intern in WF (who is now graduated from college... whaaat?) makes cakes on the side. She does a phenomenal job, and charged me less than what I probably would have spent at Tom Thumb.
And what kind of Etsy shop owner would I be if I didn't make some stuff that I sell -
My parents and Colby came in from Wichita Falls -
Avery's Lolly and Pops (Rustin's parents) have a pool, so we thought it would be perfect to have a pool party. As the saying goes - the best pool is someone else's. We love having access to it, but not dealing with the maintenance (thanks Randy and Laurie!).
The grandpas hanging out. Of course my dad is wearing jeans and boots when the temps were in the upper 90s. We're not really surprised by this anymore.
Avery loves Uncle Colby-
And Lolly and Pops -
Opening her present from the grandparents - a tricycle.
Her BFFs - Abigail...
...and Sophia
When we started singing "Happy Birthday," she put her head down and held my hand the whole time. This picture must have been a before shot.
Some "around the pool" action shots -
And some more inside -
Even though she is still a little shy with Uncle Casey and Dena, she had fun blowing bubbles with them.
And this is her the next day on her tricycle. She LOVES it!