Sunday, September 15, 2013

Etsy Shop

So, as many of you know, I have an Etsy Shop called The Lilac Door ( I always knew I wanted to stay home when I had kids, but had also planned on doing something on the side. I always thought that "something" would be writing because it's what I love. I guess I hoped I would be one of those people whose blogs hit it big, even though I never update it haha!

If someone would have told me that my "something" would be crafts I would have seriously laughed in their face. I still don't consider myself a "craftsy" person. I just figured out how to make a couple of things and actually enjoy it. But still, if you threw a bunch of scrapbook stuff my way I would probably have an anxiety attack.

When I opened my shop, I wasn't sure what to expect. I had a fear that no one would like my stuff and I wouldn't make any sales. Then I also had a fear that it would be really popular and I wouldn't be able to keep up. Luckily with Etsy you can control how busy you are (if I get too busy, I just put my shop on vacation mode) and I feel blessed that I have actually made sales.

But what I didn't expect this fall is how popular this wreath would be:

It accounts for the majority, by far, of my page views, favorites, and sales. And (drumroll please...) it was just featured on a blog!

Etsy sends out newsletters about how to get bloggers to write about you, but I never did anything because I just figured no one would want to write about my stuff. So I was very surprised and very flattered when the writer of this blog, who is all the way from New Jersey, wanted to feature my shop. The next stop is the Today Show, right?? (haha!)

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