Sunday, July 1, 2012

When I was 17...

I don't know what's got me thinking about this lately. I didn't think I cared about turning 30. But this last week I've been a little depressed about it.

I've been listening to Eric Church's song, Springsteen, a lot because I love it! If you like country music, check it out. But in the song he talks about being 17, and it's got me thinking about when I was 17. And then I did the math - that was 13 years ago - almost half my life!

When I was 17, "parents" were in their own category. I mean you would ask your friends if parents were going to be there when you were coming over. It was so much more fun if they weren't. You never wanted parents to listen in on your phone calls (we didn't text back then) because they wouldn't get it. And God forbid anyone call either of your parents "hot." Gross! Parents were NOT hot.

Parents went to bed at 9pm, and even when they didn't have to, they still woke up before 7am. They watched boring stuff like the news and acted appalled when you listened to whatever song was popular at the time. They also did not get your fashion choices, even though looking back, I see why.

But it hit me this past week. I am now a parent. I am in that category. Lord help me, I do go to bed at 9pm and wake up before 7am (although at this point that is still not by choice).

I will never be that high school kid again. The kid who could stay up all hours of the night and still make it to school on time (granted in high school, I slept through a lot of classes). I can't do dumb stuff anymore and people say "oh she's just a kid." No, I HAVE a kid now. I'll never again live those days where I had no responsibility, no one depending on me, no one looking up to me.

What's ironic is I've spent the better part of my adult life wanting to be where I am now. I'm that person who has wanted to get married pretty much since I graduated high school. I've never been that into a career because my dream was to be a stay at home mom. And now I have it. I have it all, and what am I thinking about? High school. The place I couldn't wait to get out of.

I know when Avery graduates, I will be watching and crying because I will remember when she was a little baby and only wanted her mommy and would let me rock her before bed while we read books and I kissed her fuzzy head. I know I will miss these days much more than I am missing high school right now.

For me, it is just a reminder to be thankful for where you are because you will never be here again. This stage in your life, no matter the difficulties that come with it, will never be repeated. And believe it or not, you will more than likely nostalgically look back on it one day wishing you could be here again.

I know Avery will be grown up in the blink of an eye, and I pray I enjoy each minute of it.

I don't know if any of my high school friends read my blog. But if you are, I had a great time with you back then and still think of you. Thanks to Facebook I can stalk you and see what's going on in your lives :)

I thought I'd post a few pictures of back in the day (I can't believe I'm posting some of these). Most of my pictures must be at my parents' house because I couldn't find many.

First off, who remembers the Probe?? And yes, my parents still live at that house in the background.

When I moved to Dallas, people were shocked to learn I used to ride horses. Well one horse, my beloved Amigo.

And friends...

Thanks for letting me reminisce...

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