Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Avery's Two Month Check Up

Avery had her two month check up yesterday. It was supposed to be last week, but something was messed up with the insurance. Apparently they were having trouble with the new social security numbers. So I had driven all the way up there and had to go back home. It took several calls between Rustin's HR department and our insurance to get it all straightened out. 

I have hesitated to say that she has colic. I feel like people sort of throw that word around any time a baby is crying. I think there is a difference between normal baby fussiness and colic, but since talking to the pediatrician I do really think she has colic. Luckily it's supposed to end at 3 months. Avery was fine at the beginning of the check up and then just started screaming. I turned on the white noise and she got totally quiet. The pediatrician thought that was funny! Everything seemed to be fine with her. She now weighs 10 pounds 9 ounces and is 1 feet 11.5 inches tall. And her percentiles were: height - 95th, weight - 45th, head circumference - 25th. I don't know where she gets it, but for now it's looking like she'll be tall! 

Next came her shots which were really sad, but she handled them better than I expected. After it was over I took her back in the room and got her dressed and put her in the car seat with white noise and she stopped crying. I was expecting her to cry for a while. I kept the white noise going as I went to the waiting room to check out and everyone was looking at me haha. I wanted to say- look people, it's either this sound or a baby crying -take your pick. 

They warned me she might be fussy afterwards so I was preparing myself, but she ended up being really sleepy. I put her in her swing (that is the only place she'll sleep right now) when I saw she was drowsy. Well she kept making noises on the monitor so I went in there to check on her. When she saw me, she smiled so big! It melted my heart and I felt so bad for her for getting those shots, so I took her in my room and lied down with her in my bed. She slept for about 2-3 hours. After that she had a really fussy time. It was the loudest I've ever heard her cry and we couldn't get her to stop. Finally after about an hour, Rustin and I took turns bouncing her and she got sleepy and slept in her swing. She woke up at about 10pm and went back to sleep at 10:45 and slept until 8am! It's nice when she sleeps so long, but I can't ever enjoy it because I'm always worried about her! I woke up at 5am scared and wondering if she was ok. 

Anyway I'm glad that's over for now! 

1 comment:

  1. Sam - Avery is beautiful! Congratulations. I've been keeping up with ya'll through your blog. Hope you are enjoying being a mommy. Good luck with the colic... I know that must be tough.
