Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keeping Up

I find it ironic that I created this blog to keep everyone updated on Avery, but since she's been born I haven't had any time to blog! I'm hoping to have a little more time when she's a little older and on a better schedule. I really want to keep up with it because I want to be able to look back on what was going on during each of her stages. I also want it to be something for her to read when she's older.  

She turned two months old on the 7th. I bought stickers off Etsy for each month and you just stick them on a onesie. I wrongly assumed I could use the same onesie that I used for her one month pictures. There was no way I was getting it buttoned! I figured I'd just put it on since I didn't have time to go get a new one and crop the picture. Here is a picture that shows how small it was.

And here is the cropped picture, which looks much better :) Guess I'll have to go shopping before she turns 3 months!

She has started sleeping through the night most nights (11pm-6am) which is wonderful! She also started smiling and has found her tongue. She sticks it out and also puts it behind her bottom lip. When she does, she looks like Bubba on Forrest Gump haha. 

At 6-7 weeks she started getting really fussy. I went to Wichita Falls during that time which was good since I had help, but was also stressful. She cried in the car most of the way there and back. I wanted to see a lot of people, but it was so hard to leave her. But my grandma, aunt and cousin all came over to see her. Sandy also came to meet her, and I got to see all three of her kiddos. Here is a picture of her meeting Aunt Trudy.

I wanted to get a few pictures of her in a pumpkin patch, so my mom and I hurried over to Smith's one day when she was happy. We managed to get a few shots before she started crying.

I didn't dress her up for Halloween. I figured she was too little, but then I saw pictures of friends who had babies around the same time as me, and they dressed their little ones up. I guess I should have. Oh well, there's always next year! But my mom did buy her this cute outfit.

She loves laying flat on her changing table and bassinet, so I usually take the opportunity to get a few photos :)

She was supposed to have her two month check up today and get her immunizations, but something was wrong with the insurance and I had to reschedule for Monday.

Hopefully I will be able to post more updates soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Samantha. They sure grow FAST don't they!!!??? All the 'Gibson' girls look great! Love you, Aunt Deb
