Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Avery's 1st Day at the Nursery

So I didn't get up the courage to take Avery to the nursery until last week. She is just so difficult, I was scared to leave her with anyone who wasn't family. Plus our church only has one service at 10am and that is usually right in the middle of her nap.

Anyway when we took her we felt like total rookies. I tried to open the little half door and walk into the room. Apparently that is a no no. We had no idea what we were doing, and I (Rustin was ok I think) was super nervous. I told them several times to come get me if she got too fussy.

So we handed her off and she seemed fine.

I know this sounds ridiculous but when we went into the service I almost cried. I just kept imagining her in that room with strangers and being scared and wondering where her mommy was. I fought the urge several times to go check on her. At the end of the sermon I found myself shouting at the pastor (in my head) to hurry up and finish because I needed to go check on my baby!

Since it's a small building we could hear babies crying at the end and I was sure Avery was the ring leader. Well we walked to her room and she was sound asleep in a swing! The workers told us all the babies started crying at the end. But apparently Avery slept through it all. Perhaps she does love sleep as much as me :)

Also that night we went out to eat with a couple from our church who has a baby a month younger than Avery. They had fun eating their puffs together.

Sorry for the ton of blog posts lately. Don't unsubscribe! This usually doesn't happen. Avery has been randomly napping a long time the last few days (shocking I know) so I feel like I have TONS of extra time. When you're used to squeezing brushing your teeth, eating a meal, doing dishes, etc. etc. (or just taking a nap) into 30 minutes and all of a sudden you have an hour and a half, it's like an eternity!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to be so brave grasshopper!

    Aunt Deb
