Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Avery 15 Months

Without the monthly pictures, I have not been good about updating my blog! Luckily she still has her check ups that remind me - even though they are less frequent.

Here are her stats -
Weight - 21 lbs, 30th percentile
Length - 31 inches, 66th percentile

Still looks like she'll be tall. It was also very sad - she had to get 4 shots :( I've been keeping up with the immunization schedule except for the MMR. I am not one of those moms who doesn't want their kids to get vaccinated, but it seemed like the most "controversial" vaccine is the MMR and my pediatrician said I will still be within the AAP guidelines if I wait on it. When the time does come for that one I plan to get it by itself.

She is still not walking on her own, but pulls up and walks behind her walker. The dr. said it's just a matter of her getting the confidence.

He says she is doing well on speech. I couldn't remember all her words then, but I'll try to remember most of them now. She can say - mama, dada, nana, willie, boo (baloo), grandpa (bampa), ice, hi, bye, hello, woof and her new favorite - baby.

She is obsessed with "babies." When she sees the computer or phone she says "baby," which means she wants to look at pictures of herself. Some mornings she just sits on my lap and we scroll through my phone photos and videos of her. She also loves other kids and calls all of them babies, even if they're elementary-school aged.

Speaking of videos, I uploaded a couple new ones to her channel -

Her favorite pastime is going to the grocery store. She loves sitting up in the cart and saying "hi" to everyone we pass. She also likes me to hand her stuff so she can throw it in the basket behind her.

Here are a couple of pictures from lately -

And here are a few of her and her other BFF, Baloo or Boo. He is such a sweet dog. She crawls all over him and he doesn't do anything.

She has started grabbing chunks of his hair and smiling when I tell her "no." She also is still dropping food and before she does it, she says "uh oh" then chunks it. If I tell her no, she thinks it's hilarious and a game, so I've been forced to order a time out chair.

I have been dreading the whole discipline aspect of parenting but it looks like it's here. She definitely knows what she is doing. I didn't want to have her do time out in her crib or pack n play. I wanted both of those places to still be "happy" for her. That is why I ordered a separate chair (which is just a booster that I can strap her into) so she won't associate anything else with getting in trouble. I guess we'll see how it goes...

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