Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

This Thanksgiving was pretty ground breaking... we hosted for the first time!

I was pretty nervous because I had never attempted the whole meal. I had made a few of the dishes before, but not all at once and had never done the turkey or my grandparents' stuffing.

So the first thing I did was delegate. Rustin wanted to fry the turkey so I let him be in charge of that and then assigned my mom and mother-in-law a few dishes.

Our life group had a Thanksgiving potluck the week before and I brought pumpkin pie. I thought it would be a good test run, and it turned out fine! I figured...I got this. So the night before Thanksgiving, I bake two pies. Well somehow I didn't hear the timer and they both burned. Ugh.

So I had to do what I swore I would not do... go to Walmart on the night before Thanksgiving and get more ingredients for pies.

While I was having trouble with the pies, Rustin was having his own trouble with the turkey. He didn't realize you had to thaw it our for a few days and hadn't started that. So he thought he could use the one his mom had, but it was too big for the fryer. After hours of researching recipes online, he decided on one to just cook in the oven and had his mom come over in the morning to help him. I'm not really sure exactly what was going on in there because I was too stressed with my stuff to also stress about his, so all I know is that Avery and I were suddenly smoked out. Not kidding - it was pretty bad and for days after that my allergies were out of control.

So that's all leading up to the meal and luckily that is the only drama. Once everyone got there, everything was great! The stuffing even turned out ok! (I may have waited for my mom to get there so she could help me. Details.)

Casey brought over a maple bacon turkey breast he made and it was delish!

My dad carved the turkey and Colby was apparently the taste tester.

There wasn't really a good group picture where everyone was ready, but here we all are (except photographer Rustin) -

Avery even enjoyed the meal -

And of course, I have to add a picture of my NON burnt pies -

And one of the turkey cookers -

And I should add Rustin's turkey turned out great also! 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stuff Avery Says Part 1

It seems as Avery gets older (2 years 3 months now), my blogging gets worse and worse. The only thing worse than how I keep up with this blog is how I keep up with her baby book. Full disclosure: I'm not sure where it is and don't think I've written in it since she was 6 months old.

I figure I need to update something so we can remember all the funny stuff she says and does.

So here is my attempt to remember things:

- She pronounces Cinderella like Cin-brella

- She wants to know everything's name... and I mean everything... Every person we see in a store, every animal we see in real life or on TV, every toy she owns. She asks "what's her name?" I say, "I don't know, baby." "Mommy, what's her name?" And this goes on and on until I tell her a name (most of which I have to make up.) And she always remembers the names. She has a little bear named Peter at my parents' house. One night Rustin was reading her toddler Bible to her and she asked what the men's names were who were with Jesus and he told her Peter and John. She said "That's not Peter! Peter's at Nana's!"

- She sings "Jesus Loves Me" quite well.

- Whenever I pick her up from the nursery, she tells me which kid had poopies...and then never forgets it. This one poor boy had poopies back in August and she brings it up every time.

- She knows where we are when we're driving and tells me about it. Well she tells me about everything when we're driving. She doesn't really stop talking. It sort of goes like this, "Mommy a school bus. I get older I ride a school bus. What's that dog name? I can see the trees. Lucifer not very nice (or some other random thought from a movie or show). I don't want to ride in the cart. I can't get out! (to which I reply, good - you're not supposed to get out of your car seat.) WATER!! WHERE'S MY WATER?!" (because anytime she asks for something it is a life and death situation. She's already miss drama queen.)

- Uncle Colby whistles and she's very jealous of it. When he asks if she can whistle she always says "I can't whistle. When I get older I whistle."

- I was sick the other night so my mom was giving her a bath and my dad and Colby were in there. My dad said she was preaching about Jesus. Apparently she was telling a story about how he built a tower and healed a man. Colby said it sounded more like Lord of the Rings.

- She teases my dad and doesn't ever let him hang out. She used to just tell him to "go that way" but now she is more creative and tells him things to do like "go see Willie and Lyle" (the cats) or "go sit in your big chair."

Well that's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there will be more which is why I titled it Part 1....

Friday, October 25, 2013

Texas Accent

So Avery has quite the Texas accent. I would try to blame it on Rustin, but I know I can't do that. ...although I don't think I have quite the accent she does!

I sort of forget about it, then we get around other people and they always laugh about it. She says "there" like they-ere (not sure really how to write that, but you get the idea).

I have successfully brainwashed her into loving John Mayer like me, so whenever I ask her what music she wants to listen to, she says "John Mayer" (much to Rustin's dismay).

So anyway I took this video to show Andrea (I knew she would appreciate it) but it sort of shows her little accent. Also, yes she is wearing a princess dress, and yes that is our (still) unfinished fireplace in the background. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

German Glitter Letter + A Cute Little Girl

So I've been loving German Glass Glitter. If you're not familiar with it, it is actual glass pieces coated in silver and imported from Germany. I made an A initial using it, but decided to take some pictures of it to possibly sell in my Etsy shop. In Pottery Barn's latest catalogue they had german glitter letters, so I thought this might be something other people like too.

Well... Avery wanted to join me, of course. At first when she kept getting in the shot, I was sort of frustrated, then I realized, wait - this could be really cute!

So we did a photo shoot with her AND the letter, which coincidentally makes a super cute photo prop.

And, like her mom, she also had to have a My Little Pony with her.

Now if I had planned this, I would have combed her hair so it didn't look like she had a faux hawk. Oh well...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pumpkin Patch(es) 2013

So we've been to two pumpkin patches so far this season. Avery loves them, so we go whenever we can.

The first one we went to was Painted Pony Pumpkin Patch in Wichita Falls-

It was awesome! There was a pen with goats and chickens the kids could walk right into. Avery had fun putting the wood chips on the goats and chasing the chickens. Then, of course, they had pony rides. She had a lot more fun riding this time than when she rode an actual horse. I guess the ponies were more her speed. I also got bit by an emu. They were in the pen next to the goats. I am now scared of those things! 

Then the other day we continued our tradition (2 years running!) of going to the Owens Farm Pumpkin Patch.

Since Avery loves animals, we had to go feed the goats first. 

We walked around to the stables and saw some baby chicks and rabbits. Avery said they stunk and kept holding her nose! 

Then we went to see the horses....who apparently stunk too. 

But since she's just like her mom and loves horses :) she didn't care and wanted to look at them. They were HUGE, gorgeous Percheron horses. It was so cute because I said I wanted to ride the gray one (the biggest one) and she immediately chimed in and said she wanted to ride the white one.

Despite her love for animals, her favorite part is the hayride. We had to ride three times. I'm sure she would have ridden 50 if we would have let her. 

Then it was time to go pick out a pumpkin -

But first, her and Daddy got lost in the maze. 

I love this picture! It looks like she's looking up to heaven and a light is shining on her.

We had tons of fun, and who knows, we may go to another patch before October is over!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Etsy Shop

So, as many of you know, I have an Etsy Shop called The Lilac Door ( I always knew I wanted to stay home when I had kids, but had also planned on doing something on the side. I always thought that "something" would be writing because it's what I love. I guess I hoped I would be one of those people whose blogs hit it big, even though I never update it haha!

If someone would have told me that my "something" would be crafts I would have seriously laughed in their face. I still don't consider myself a "craftsy" person. I just figured out how to make a couple of things and actually enjoy it. But still, if you threw a bunch of scrapbook stuff my way I would probably have an anxiety attack.

When I opened my shop, I wasn't sure what to expect. I had a fear that no one would like my stuff and I wouldn't make any sales. Then I also had a fear that it would be really popular and I wouldn't be able to keep up. Luckily with Etsy you can control how busy you are (if I get too busy, I just put my shop on vacation mode) and I feel blessed that I have actually made sales.

But what I didn't expect this fall is how popular this wreath would be:

It accounts for the majority, by far, of my page views, favorites, and sales. And (drumroll please...) it was just featured on a blog!

Etsy sends out newsletters about how to get bloggers to write about you, but I never did anything because I just figured no one would want to write about my stuff. So I was very surprised and very flattered when the writer of this blog, who is all the way from New Jersey, wanted to feature my shop. The next stop is the Today Show, right?? (haha!)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Avery is Two!

In case you aren't sure how old Avery is, she will tell you when you ask her. She can also make "two" with her fingers although, as Uncle Colby accurately observed, it looks a little like a gang sign.

Here are her "stats"-
Weight: 26 lbs, 41%
Length: 35", 80% (yes, still tall)
Head Circumference: 18.5", 36% (apparently has a small head like her dad)

We had a ton of fun for her 2nd birthday! Before I show pictures I feel like I should add a disclaimer. Traditionally I have been against the "over the top" parties parents tend to throw here in the Dallas area. Does anyone remember that show- My Super Sweet 16? Sometimes I feel like I live in that show, but instead of parents spending their 401k on the 16th birthday, it starts at Year 1 and doesn't stop.

Now I just said that, and when I show pictures, I MAY seem like a hypocrite, but wait... let me explain! Rustin is going to India on a mission trip (if we haven't already hit you up for support, check out his site and please consider supporting him: so I planned to do a small party, but one day had a "lightbulb" moment and thought we could do a fundraiser for his India trip and Avery's birthday combined. SO for that reason and that reason alone, we did a big (or big for us) party.

First of all... the cake. I had fully planned on getting cupcakes from Tom Thumb, but one of the sweet jr. high girls I used to intern in WF (who is now graduated from college... whaaat?) makes cakes on the side. She does a phenomenal job, and charged me less than what I probably would have spent at Tom Thumb.

And what kind of Etsy shop owner would I be if I didn't make some stuff that I sell - 

My parents and Colby came in from Wichita Falls - 

Avery's Lolly and Pops (Rustin's parents) have a pool, so we thought it would be perfect to have a pool party. As the saying goes - the best pool is someone else's. We love having access to it, but not dealing with the maintenance (thanks Randy and Laurie!). 

The grandpas hanging out. Of course my dad is wearing jeans and boots when the temps were in the upper 90s. We're not really surprised by this anymore. 

Avery loves Uncle Colby-

And Lolly and Pops - 

Opening her present from the grandparents - a tricycle. 

Her BFFs - Abigail...

...and Sophia

When we started singing "Happy Birthday," she put her head down and held my hand the whole time. This picture must have been a before shot. 

Some "around the pool" action shots - 

And some more inside - 

Even though she is still a little shy with Uncle Casey and Dena, she had fun blowing bubbles with them. 

And this is her the next day on her tricycle. She LOVES it!