So I realized that I haven't blogged about my pregnancy except for when I posted that I was expecting, which really tells it all.
When I was pregnant with Avery I had an app on my phone that told me fun "pregnancy facts" every day and exactly what size produce she was (grape, avocado, etc.). I also ALWAYS knew what week I was - even to the day. I remember telling people sometimes I was "28 and a half" weeks. I mean I made it those 3-4 days so I wanted to claim the half!
Oh and how things are different this time... most of the time I had no idea what week I was. People would ask me and I felt like a horrible mom because a few times I didn't even have a ballpark guess. I wouldn't say that I would "forget" I was pregnant because my belly was a constant reminder, but it hasn't been something I think about every day. When you're chasing a toddler, you just don't have the time to worry as much about your pregnancy.
This pregnancy has also been a lot harder. I don't know if it's because of my age. I know I'm not
that old but I was 29 when I was pregnant with Avery and now I'm 32. I just feel like lots of things got harder after 30. The first trimester was AWFUL! I developed a new sympathy for chronically ill people. It was so bad I told Rustin I will NEVER be pregnant again. Second trimester was pretty much a breeze, but third trimester has been as hard as the first just in different ways.
I tell people all the time I feel like an obese senior citizen. I don't mean it in a way to complain about my weight (I mean I'm pregnant - I expect to be big) - I just mean that everything those two groups of people complain about, I totally feel! My feet hurt; my back hurts; I can't handle the heat; I get winded going up the stairs; I groan getting up from a seated position (or really any time I move); I go to the bathroom every 5 minutes. Seriously by the end of the day, I am done. I can hardly walk. I am thankful that everything has been totally fine with Arden, but physically for me it has been really hard.
I usually only get about two pedicures a year. I consider them a luxury since I figure I can paint my own toenails. Well I've gotten them regularly the past few months because I literally can't touch my toes. Shaving is a joke. I feel like I deserve a gold medal whenever I finish because it was so hard. Therefore my legs are hairy 90% of the time. I ordered some booties online. When they came and I went to try them on, I could not do it. I realized that was the first time in MONTHS I've tried to wear actual shoes - not flip flops. It wasn't that they were too small, it was that I couldn't move my body in such a way as to physically get them on my feet. It was quite comical.
I hate to complain because I am SO thankful that God blessed us with another little one. It took us a while to get pregnant with this one and I started to think I wasn't going to be able to. But I have made no qualms about not liking being pregnant - with Avery or this time. I like the end result though :)
I have been praying for her to not come early (so that she wouldn't be small like Avery) and that I wouldn't have to be induced or anything and so far so good. I went to the doctor yesterday and I'm not dilated or anything. They keep checking my amniotic fluid and it looks great. So I'll just keep praying (and appreciate all other prayers) that things continue to go smoothly and we welcome a healthy little girl in two weeks. (Ahhh CANNOT believe it is that soon!)
Here is the last "belly pic" I took. It's from 32 weeks. I'm quite a bit bigger now!