Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Avery is Three!

If you can believe it, Avery turned three years old on Sept. 7! Honestly I'm just most excited that we made it past that day and Arden was still in my tummy. I had this fear that she would come early and they would have the same birthday, which I can imagine would not be fun for them.

Here are her stats from her three year check up:
Weight - 30.8 lbs (50th percentile)
Length - 39" (85th percentile)
Head Circumference - 19"

And here is a picture of her at the doctor's office. It was so cute - they had her wear a gown this time.

I decided since I was SO pregnant, we were just going to do simple and easy for her party so we had another pool party at Lolly and Pops' house. I held myself back from putting too much pressure on myself but I couldn't resist making a few things like the cupcake toppers and tissue paper garland. Here are a few pictures:

That's right - I totally forgot the candles AGAIN this year, so she blew out three votives. Hey whatever works.

I wish I had done a better job at documenting the funny things she's done this year. If anyone has any tips on how to keep up with those things, I'd be glad to hear them! But I'll share what I can remember - 

- Says frisbee = frisberry; beef jerky = beef turkey; chopsticks = stopsticks; prairie dogs = fairy dogs; baptized = bathtized (that one actually makes more sense. Totally get where she's coming from.)
-She LOVES helping. She has a stool she can carry around and that's all she does. She wants to be right in the middle of whatever I'm doing - washing dishes, cooking, etc. I've put her to good use with the swiffer a few times. 
- She has a very active imagination and is always pretending to be someone - mainly princesses. She also always wants other people to be the hyenas from Lion King or Scat Cat's band from Aristocats and talk to her (don't ask). 
- To say she is my daughter is an understatement. She dresses up in gaudy clothes, loves horses and is super shy especially around men. My mom has told me many times she acts EXACTLY like I did. Here is an example - 

- Better than any comedy show is listening to her on the monitor after we put her down. She talks to her animals and oftentimes sings songs - mainly Let It Go.
- I got her a "ready to wake clock" (which I HIGHLY recommend by the way) that turns green when it's ok for her to get up. If she wakes up before it she'll play, but the second it turns green she yells, "MOMMY MY CLOCK'S GREEN!! MOMMY MY CLOCK'S GREEN!!" until I can get up there.
- She says her prayers at night. She mainly prays for Nana's cats. 

I tell her all the time that I am so thankful that God chose me to be her mommy. I just love her so much! Happy birthday sweet girl!!

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