Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Avery's First Day of Preschool

So I have been kind of a spaz about preschool. For some reason it has been a hard decision for me as far as if I should send her or not. I don't feel like I need to send her so she'll have a "leg up" in kindergarten. But at the same time I feel like it would benefit her socially since she's so shy. Another struggle I had was just missing that time with her. I know kindergarten will be here before I know it and time with her at home is fleeting and I selfishly want to enjoy it as much as I can. But with Arden coming, I figured I would turn into a hermit for a while after she's born and I didn't feel like that would be fair to Avery. She is used to us getting out a lot, running errands, doing play dates, etc.

We are already doing Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) one day a week (which I have LOVED and highly recommend), so she goes to the children's program there for two hours on Wednesdays, and all the preschools in my area are at minimum two days a week. So that would be three days a week where we would have to be somewhere and that just seemed like too much. To make a long story really short, one preschool would allow you to split the two days with someone if you found the other person and Avery's friend Abigail's mom felt the same way I did so that's exactly what we were able to do! But instead of them going on separate days, they had more openings for some reason on Mondays, so both the girls are going that day. 

So anyway that LONG explanation is to say she is going to preschool ONE day a week from 9:30-2. I feel good about it and feel like it was a good compromise as far as my struggle with it was concerned. 

She has been SUPER excited about it. We bought her a nap mat and she has wanted to sleep on it for days. (I put it on her bed when she's actually sleeping, not on the floor haha.) Also did anyone notice the dog hair in the background?? Don't judge. I literally vacuum daily but when you have a wolf-like dog, it's really a losing battle. 

We went to Meet the Teacher last week and she didn't want to leave the classroom but wanted to stay and play, so I have been feeling confident and at peace with the decision.

Here are her first day of school pictures (ahh can't believe I'm taking these!) -

I had her do an "interview." Not sure if you can tell, but she was super pumped her friend Abigail was in her class.

Oh and yes she is in the 3 year old class. That is another decision that has been hard for me. The "official" cut off is Sept. 1 (and she didn't turn 3 until the 7th), but preschools are more lax and let me put her in the 3 year old class rather than the 2 year old. After all, she WAS 3 when school started, very verbal and potty trained so I just felt like it would be the best fit. But now I'm a little worried because she will HAVE to wait to start kindergarten because schools ARE very strict on the Sept. 1 cut off (plus I would rather her be a little older when she starts school anyway). So that means if she continues, the year before she starts kindergarten her only option with preschool is to do the kindergarten program, which is 4 days a week, and I just don't really want her gone that much. I guess I don't have to worry about it now and could always have her repeat either 3 or 4 year old preschool. 

Disclaimer: When I was a teacher I told myself I would not be one of "those" parents but as I read back over what I am writing, I totally am one! BUT this is her FIRST time to go to school and she is my first kid so I get a little break right?? If I'm still spazzing like this when she's in 4th grade, someone stage an intervention for me. 

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