Friday, January 23, 2015

Arden 3 Months and Christmas and a Wedding

Well nothing like doing Arden's three month update days before she turns four months. Better late than never right?? 

She didn't have a well visit at three months so I don't have her "stats." I'm curious to see what they are at her four month because she is quite the chunk! She is wearing six month clothes in these pictures. 

When I went to do her photo shoot, Avery woke up from her nap and insisted on being in some of the pictures.

Cute outtakes- 

Up until she was three months, she slept in our room - usually right next to me. I figured I would move her to her room at three months, but when it came I wasn't quite ready. Sure I wanted my nights back and all, but I loved her cuddled up next to me. And I knew when she went to her room, she wasn't ever coming back. So I thought of keeping her until four months but she started being more social and not such a sound sleeper. I used to be able to just lay her down next to me and she would fall asleep while Rustin and I watched TV but she started not wanting to lay down with me, but play instead and the TV kept her awake so I figured it was time. I moved her in there and was bracing myself for the worst, but she really did ok with the transition. 

Here are a few more of her - 

Christmas was really fun this year with it being Arden's first and Avery being really into it. She had a "Christmas T-shirt Parade" at her preschool. They made shirts with angels on them using their footprint and handprints and wore the shirts as they marched down the hall ringing bells and singing songs while the parents watched. It was SUPER cute! 

Avery also attended her second wedding. One of my long-time friends, Shelby, got married and I was in the house party. 

She had a BLAST! The two girls in the picture above hung out with her the whole time and held her hand while they walked around. It was SO cute! They also went to the photo booth a few times by themselves. The pictures were pretty hilarious. That was sort of the first time at an event where she has gone off by herself. Usually she sticks by us and will only go somewhere if we go with her. Although we were glad she's now confident enough to do that, it was a little bittersweet. She's growing up too fast! 

We celebrated Christmas early in Wichita Falls. On the anniversary of my Grandad's passing we went to the cemetery and let him meet Arden. 

She was also able to meet her future husband, Luke. He is my friend Sarah's baby and was born about three weeks after Arden. 

 And then we were back in Allen for Christmas Eve/Day with Rustin's family. 

Hopefully I will be a little more timely with the next update. No promises though :)

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