Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A New Church

Rustin and I have made the hard decision to go to a new church. It wasn't easy because I have been attending The Village since I first moved to the metroplex back in 2005. I liked it because Matt Chandler was the pastor and I knew him from when he would come speak to the youth group when I was a youth intern in Wichita Falls. There were also several people from Wichita Falls on staff there, and it felt like home. I loved going to church there. It was through The Village that I went on my first mission trip to Guatemala in 2007. My small group was also amazing, and I had a great time serving as a leader in Kids' Village for a while. It's hard to find a church where you completely line up with them theologically, and can also find great community.

When Rustin and I got married and moved back from Colorado, we started attending again. But then we moved to Allen. The Flower Mound campus was almost an hour drive from our new home and we knew that was just too far. We visited churches around us but couldn't seem to find a fit. Then the news came - The Village was opening a Dallas campus! I was so excited! It was still 30 minutes away, but that seemed so much closer. Before we had Avery, the drive was no problem. We sort of even liked driving to Saturday night service and going out to eat somewhere in Dallas afterward. Or sometimes we would go to a fun brunch place down there with friends after the Sunday morning service. We also found a great small group in Plano. It was also a 30 minute drive, but we felt like it was worth it to have such great community.

Then Avery was born. I guess I knew this was coming, but kept putting it off because I didn't want to leave The Village. But having a kid changes things. Not only was the drive a huge hindrance now, there were several other things I had to consider for Avery. Since there are so many services at The Village, you can possibly go to the same one each weekend, but see totally different people, so I assume that's how it would be in Little Village (their preschool ministry), so she would have a hard time making friends if she doesn't see the same kids every week. Not only that, who knows where the kids would live. We would possibly be driving 30-45 minutes for play dates too. We didn't want that for her. We wanted her to have a group of kids that she sees every Sunday who also live close so she can hang out with them. That's what true community is - doing life together.

Once we made the decision to really start looking again for a church, I had a pit in my stomach. I LOVED The Village and knew nothing would compare. Besides that, we already tried out most of the churches in our area and couldn't find a good fit. Well one day I told Rustin about a church we hadn't tried that I had heard about - Allen Bible Church. He said he would go check it out while I stayed home with Avery. He came home that first Sunday telling me how much he liked it. I joined him the next Sunday while his parents watched Avery and much to my surprise I really liked it too! A super nice lady came up and talked to us for a while, and several people talked to Rustin the Sunday before when he had gone by himself.

I'm sort of a stickler for theology. I just can't go to a church if they believe something I don't think is biblical,  but I completely line up with what this church believes. And... it's close! And there are even a few couples with kids right in our neighborhood!

Even though it was a very hard decision, I believe that we have made the right one for our family, and I think if Matt Chandler were to read my blog, he would agree :) ...and I can still listen to The Village sermons on podcasts!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Avery 5 Months

So I had put cut up black leaf bags in Avery's window (ghetto, I know) to block the light and make it easier for her to nap. In my defense, no one could see them unless they opened the curtains. But that made the lighting really bad for her 5 month pictures (yes, I'm OCD) so I decided to take the bags down (they were falling anyway and weren't helping her nap any longer) and take a few more pictures. Plus, she wouldn't smile at all that day and she is nothing but smiles today so I thought I could catch one on camera! (She's still close enough to 5 months right??)

She has been nothing but a Daddy's girl lately. When she sees Rustin she gets really excited and wiggles her body, smiles really big, and lets out a squeal. It is hilarious!

Last night Rustin's parents babysat Avery and we went to Fort Worth and met up with Catherine, Patrick, Sarah, and Ryan. It was a roommate reunion - plus husbands! We had tons of fun catching up, and I'm mad at myself I didn't get a picture! It's crazy how much things have changed. We were all single when living together and now at dinner all we could talk about was our babies. They both had hotel rooms down there and were going to hang out longer, but Rustin and I had an hour drive back to Allen so we had to leave early. Maybe next time we'll be brave enough to leave Avery overnight!

Also, I'm learning to NEVER complain in my blog. I was getting frustrated Avery was waking up every day at 6:30 when my friends' babies were sleeping until 7 or 8. Well now she's waking up every day at 5:40! But I'm NOT complaining (or it's going to be 4!) haha!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

Rustin took me to eat at III Forks for dinner for Valentine's Day. I've wanted to go there for years. When we were in college this guy took Andrea on a date there and she came back telling me how awesome it was, so I've always wanted to try it. We went the week before Valentine's because they were doing a free wine tasting and we wanted to avoid the crowds. (Does that make us old??) Rustin also had a coupon for free dessert so we enjoyed some key lime pie with our steak :) It was really good, but for our 1st anniversary we went to Fearings and we both agree that place is still the best!

We usually don't really exchange gifts but Rustin snuck out in the morning and got me a Starbucks drink (my fave!) and these pretty flowers! I definitely needed the Starbucks because Avery woke up for the day at 5:40 am! 

I guess Avery couldn't sleep later because she was excited for her first Valentine's Day. She got cards from her grandparents and great grandparents. She also had a cute outfit Andrea gave her. Here are a few pictures-

My mom was here that week, and we had a lot of fun! I never want her to leave. I felt like I didn't have any good pictures of Avery and I since I dyed my hair so I made my mom do a "photo shoot" of us. (I know - I'm a dork.) Our neighborhood has a cool walking trail and a little pier, so that's where we went to get a few pictures.

Speaking of my hair, I'm going to Wichita Falls next week and have a hair appointment. I'm still torn on whether or not to keep it dark. I like it better highlighted but get tired of the upkeep. But I have seriously found tons of gray hairs recently, so it looks like I'm going to have to color it no matter what! Either way I'm looking forward to going there... I haven't been since Christmas.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We had to put my cat, Carrie, down last Friday. She was the first pet that was "mine" (not the family pet). She was my constant companion when Rustin was out of town. She made the drive from Colorado to Texas with Rustin and me. I felt like she was my first "baby." I miss her so much. That may sound silly to someone who doesn't love animals, but people who do understand. She was a part of my family, so I wanted to write a post for her.

Rustin and I got married in March of 2008 and he got Carrie for me for my birthday that June. He says he felt sorry for me that I was living up in Colorado away from my friends and family so that's why he got her :) According to how old she was, we figured she was born around the time when we got married. The Sex and the City movie came out that summer and I was all into it. That's where she got her name. 

She was such a funny cat. When my mom came to visit in Colorado we heard this really loud sound then she came out soaking wet. We realized she fell in the toilet! Then when we lived in our apartment in Addison Circle, I would let her out on the balcony (we lived on the 2nd floor) and leave the door open when the weather was nice. Well one day I heard a noise, looked down and she had jumped off! Luckily there were stores under us, so she landed on the awning. I still don't know how my arm reached all the way down there, but I grabbed her and pulled her back up. She was not allowed on the balcony anymore. 

She never grew out of the silly things cats do when they're kittens. She always "halloween catted" us as we call it (when they arch their back and poof out). She wasn't really scared of much. Even when we brought home Baloo it didn't seem to bother her. In fact, I would say she bullied Baloo haha. 

The day after she was put down was the hardest day I have had in a while. I couldn't take care of Avery and couldn't stop crying. Rustin was so sweet to help out. It's still really hard for me to read any of Avery's books that mention cats or kittens. When a blanket is on the floor or something and I catch it out of the corner of my eye, I think it's her and when I realize it's not, I get really sad. 

I love this poem, "The Rainbow Bridge." Even though it's sad, it somehow makes me feel better:

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... 

-Author Unkown

Goodbye my Carrie Berrie.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Avery has been entertaining a lot of guests recently. The other day one of my friends, Jennifer, came over with her little boy, Michael. He is exactly three months older than Avery. It's so crazy how fast they change. Michael could sit up and was actually playing with the toys. Avery still lays on her back and just chews anything that comes close to her mouth. I think she had fun with her new friend though, and it was nice for me to get to visit with another mom! I'm bummed I didn't get a picture of them together though. Oh well, we will next time I can convince Jenn to make the drive over here!

My grandma from Florida came into town and my parents drove down here to pick her up and then came by our house. This was the first time she met Avery.

Then they had to bring my grandma back a few days later. Since she was flying out of Love Field, she stayed the night with us and I took her to the airport in the morning. My grandma from Wichita Falls also came down with them and Avery got a pic with both of her great grandmas.

My grandma got to read Avery her bedtime story... (I secretly love this book too. I don't mind reading it to her every night!)

The other day Rustin and I decided to get a few pictures with Avery and her Valentine's outfit her aunt Andrea gave her. It's a 6 month size and I hadn't put her in it yet because I assumed it would be too big, but it's too small! Apparently she's already in 9 month clothes!

And she turned 5 months old!

A few random things that have been going on:

Rustin and I have gone to a couple of concerts...for free. Andrea got us tickets to an 80's cover band (The Molly Ringwalds) at the House of Blues. Then our friends Joel and Hillary had tickets to Mat Kearney at the Majestic Theater and they couldn't make it so gave us their tickets! We had a blast at both and are grateful Rustin's parents could babysit!

Avery is falling into more of a routine. Before I never knew what time she would wake up in the morning. Sometimes it was after 9, sometimes it was 6. Well now she wakes up at 6:30 on the dot every day. Her naps are still a little irregular but they are getting better too. I wish I wouldn't have stressed out so much and just let her settle into a schedule herself, which she seems to be doing. She also has an earlier bedtime - about 7pm - which Rustin and I have really enjoyed. Before she wouldn't go to bed until around 11pm and Rustin would already be asleep so we didn't ever get to hang out at night. Now we have our nights back and can watch our reality shows I suck him into :) 

My mom is coming next week for a visit, then I am going to Wichita Falls the week after that. The first weekend in March I am going to Salado with friends for Jana's 30th birthday. It will be my first night away from Avery so I'm nervous about that but also looking forward to hanging out with everyone!