Sunday, February 19, 2012

Avery 5 Months

So I had put cut up black leaf bags in Avery's window (ghetto, I know) to block the light and make it easier for her to nap. In my defense, no one could see them unless they opened the curtains. But that made the lighting really bad for her 5 month pictures (yes, I'm OCD) so I decided to take the bags down (they were falling anyway and weren't helping her nap any longer) and take a few more pictures. Plus, she wouldn't smile at all that day and she is nothing but smiles today so I thought I could catch one on camera! (She's still close enough to 5 months right??)

She has been nothing but a Daddy's girl lately. When she sees Rustin she gets really excited and wiggles her body, smiles really big, and lets out a squeal. It is hilarious!

Last night Rustin's parents babysat Avery and we went to Fort Worth and met up with Catherine, Patrick, Sarah, and Ryan. It was a roommate reunion - plus husbands! We had tons of fun catching up, and I'm mad at myself I didn't get a picture! It's crazy how much things have changed. We were all single when living together and now at dinner all we could talk about was our babies. They both had hotel rooms down there and were going to hang out longer, but Rustin and I had an hour drive back to Allen so we had to leave early. Maybe next time we'll be brave enough to leave Avery overnight!

Also, I'm learning to NEVER complain in my blog. I was getting frustrated Avery was waking up every day at 6:30 when my friends' babies were sleeping until 7 or 8. Well now she's waking up every day at 5:40! But I'm NOT complaining (or it's going to be 4!) haha!

1 comment:

  1. She is getting cuter and cuter! Love that she's a daddy's girl. So sweet.
