Sunday, July 20, 2014

Herb Garden

I have high hopes of one day "going green." I look enviously at the people who grow most of what they eat and make all their own everything - laundry soap, etc. I always think about it but when it comes down to it, it's just so much easier for me to run and grab whatever I need at the grocery store. Maybe one day when the kiddos are older...

But I would really like to at least have a small garden at some point, but you have to start somewhere so I decided to just do a herb garden in mason jars. Of course I couldn't just use plain mason jars, so I planned to paint them.

All the tutorials I found on Pinterest called for chalk paint. Although I love the whole "chalk paint" thing that's popular right now, I do not like the price. So I found some tutorials on how to make your own chalk paint. The only problem was the "recipes" made a TON so I had to scale it down quite a bit. So I don't know if something got lost in my math or what, but it did NOT turn out well.

Then a friend of mine told me she just used acrylic paint - two coats and sand at the end - so I thought I'd give it a try. It turned out great! I have a chalk paint mason jar I bought in Canton a while back and I can't tell the difference between that one and the acrylic ones I did.

Next I got chalkboard stickers at Hobby Lobby and tied twine around the top. The mason jars are done, but not sure if anything will grow. If nothing else, they make for cute, cheap decor!

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