Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Nursery

The nursery is finally finished! I'm not very good at decorating, so I usually just choose to do nothing. My parents helped me paint her room a while back, but I've been indecisive about how I wanted to decorate it past that. But then I realized she will be here soon and I needed to get moving! So here it is...

I did her letters myself (as I'm sure you can tell). They had super cute ones on Etsy that you could get hand painted to match your bedding, but I hated to spend that much on something I could make. Her bedding is Hayley from Pottery Barn Kids. I fell in love with it right when I saw it - which was before we even knew if we were having a girl or not. I thought people would think it was sort of weird with the owls, but little did I know owls are apparently big right now. So much for trying to be unique, but it has made it a lot easier to find accessories.

I ordered this painting off Etsy, and the artist put my nursery on her blog: elizabethlaurenart.blogspot.com/2011/08/little-blue-bird-nursery.html. I have had the sconces for a really long time, and just had Rustin spray paint them the cream color.

I bought this in Canton and had originally planned on hanging the letters from their ribbons on the rope, but it didn't look good, so I figured I would just hang pictures of her family!

 So I got the owl decals from Target. I was so proud of myself for saving money - they were only $13 as compared to $200 for decals from Pottery Barn Kids. They came with a tree and I hung that up and not even 12 hours later, it fell off the wall. I tried to restick it to no avail. But I still had all these decals that were sticking just fine that I didn't want to waste, so I sort of randomly put them up by the closet!

Then on the other wall is her dresser. DeEdra with PhotoEmotion photography in Wichita Falls (the same person who did our wedding) is going to do her newborn pictures, and I plan to put them in the frames. I am thinking of putting this birth announcement in the middle frame: http://www.etsy.com/listing/76230763/owl-birth-announcement-pottery-barn?ref=sr_list_1&ga_search_query=hayley+birth+announcement&ga_view_type=list&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_facet=handmade.

I love going in her room and just rocking on the glider! I can't wait for her to get her to see it!

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