Monday, August 15, 2011

Pregnancy Update - 35 Weeks

Ah! I haven't blogged in a while! I'm sure that is very disheartening to all two of you who actually read this :) Anyway a lot has been going on. I went home to Wichita Falls a couple of weeks ago for my last visit before Avery gets here. (I am too nervous to travel out of town again before my due date.) While I was there, my best friend's mom passed away unexpectedly after back surgery. A few days after that happened, we found out that Rustin's great grandmother passed away. It's been tough seeing two people I love so much go through so much pain and feeling powerless to do anything about it, but it's times like these I am reminded that Jesus is the great Comforter and Healer.

I have been going to the doctor for several weeks now for my ultrasounds and NSTs. Each time I go they say she looks great and everything is progressing normally. Today when I went for my ultrasound, she said baby's head is really low and she doesn't see me making it to 40 weeks. I see my doctor next Thurs. (8/28) and she will do an exam and be able to tell more accurately when I might deliver. I want her to get here so bad, but more than that I want her to stay put as long as she needs to so she can finish growing!

Hopefully we will be prepared...Rustin and I have been attending classes at the hospital. We went to Infant Care/CPR, are currently in the middle of four sessions of Prepared Childbirth, and I'm going to a breastfeeding one this Wed. Last week Rustin was out of town so my mom came with me to class and they gave us a tour of the hospital - which is Centennial Medical Center in Frisco. The rooms were super nice and they told us that a day or so after moms deliver, they get a celebration lunch of steak and lobster! I'm excited about that!

I am feeling ok, just really tired. I feel like it's trite to really complain about anything because I have several friends on bedrest or who have had complications, so I am just grateful that baby and mom are healthy, and hoping we stay that way!