Monday, March 19, 2012

Sitting Up, Solids, and Reflux...Oh My!

The last week has been pretty eventful in Avery's world. She is still very fussy all the time, and I felt like it was getting worse.

I have thought she's had reflux for a while, but my old pediatrician seemed to dismiss everything I said. When I'd tell them how she was acting (like eating hurt) they would just say it's probably something I ate (when I was still nursing). Then when I would ask questions she seriously said one time - "let me think what I did with my kids." What?? If I want to hear what someone did with their kids, I'd ask my friends, but I want medical advice from you - a doctor! Anyway I switched pediatricians and have been very happy with the new one. As I mentioned in my last post, he suggested trying soy formula, so I did. But it made no difference.

Avery got to the point where she was only eating 1.5 ounces at a time, and one morning she threw up all over me and soaked me down to my underwear! I decided it was time to call the doctor again. When I called up there I talked to a super sweet nurse. When I told her everything, she said it definitely sounded like reflux and I needed to bring Avery in that day. (Sometimes I feel like nurses know more than doctors.) Long story short she is currently on Prevacid. She is still very fussy but is eating a lot more. They said it could take 2 weeks to show improvement so I guess we'll see. If this doesn't help I'll have to switch to the super expensive Nutramigen formula.

I'm trying not to be bitter, but I really think that if she had been correctly diagnosed with reflux several months ago and we fixed it, she would still be nursing. I am very sad that she stopped so early.

Enough about that...let's get to the good stuff! So Avery has been dying to sit up for a while now. She is not a fan of laying (or lying?? I still don't know the correct grammar on that one) down and will lift her head to try to sit up. It's so funny and she looks like she's doing ab exercises. Well she can finally sit up by herself (not lift up but stay there when I sit her down) now and she is loving it!

About to fall ahhhh! Don't worry - I caught her. 

Since she's gotten on her medicine she has been doing a lot better eating solids. Not sure if it's actually the medicine or if she's just learned how to do it, but she'll finally swallow something now! This is her eating sweet potatoes -

She looks a little scary in this one haha - 

She has gotten very grabby! Her daddy was letting me sleep in the other day and woke up with her, but it didn't last long because I heard a loud crash. Apparently she had somehow grabbed his coffee cup and dropped it on the tile!
When I sit her in her bumbo chair, the napkins are behind her and I have to move them because she always reaches for them. Well I forgot to move them today...

I love her to pieces!!

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