Monday, March 4, 2013

Teeth, No Sleep and More Talking

This month has been a bit crazy. As I said in a previous post, we're moving. We are fixing up the house a little so Rustin has been juggling several contractors along with his normal job. And we have been packing up our current house in the meantime, so there's boxes everywhere. But the movers come on Saturday. I am so looking forward to this process being over and not being in a state of limbo anymore!

To add to the moving stress, Avery went through about a month or so of waking up super early and taking very short naps. I thought "early" meant 5:15-5:30, which was hard for me, but then she went through almost two weeks of waking up at 4:40...every day...on the dot. It was exhausting. I thought maybe the reason for it was that she was ready to move to only one nap. The problem was, my saving grace was napping with her during her first nap. I decided to suck it up for a few days and stay up - and keep her up - during the morning nap in hopes of her sleeping in. During those two days, she took one 2-hour (or less) nap and still woke up at 4:40 the next morning.

I finally came to grips with the fact that maybe this is my lot right now and I might as well take advantage of the morning nap if she wasn't going to sleep any later. Thankfully my mom was here during part of that time so I was able to go back to sleep when she got up.

The last few mornings she has been sleeping in to around 6. I never thought I would consider 6am sleeping in, but it has been great! I feel so refreshed!

I think part of the reason for her not sleeping is that she is getting a ton of teeth. She went from 3 teeth to almost all of them seemingly overnight. So I decided it was time to get a toothbrush.

I know... I probably should have done it earlier but I was putting it off. I just figured it would be one more thing that she would hate and would be a battle. Boy was I wrong. She LOVES brushing her teeth! Whenever she sees her toothbrush (or randomly) she says "teeth" and wants to brush them. We brush teeth about three times a day.

She is also talking a TON! One of the cutest things she says a lot is "I know." She doesn't really know how to use it in context which makes it more hilarious. Her manners are good (haha sometimes) because she says please and thank you. She has thank you down better, but has to be reminded to say please instead of grunt when she wants something.

She loves saying all of her family members. Several times a day we go through all of them - Daddy, Baloo, Lolly, Pops, Casey, Nana, Baboo (which is how she says Grandpa), Willie, Lyle. She is still working on saying Colby. She can also say her own name.

She also has her animal sounds down pat. When I read to her sometimes I don't even think about it but there will be an animal on the page and she makes the sound super loud.

And she knows how to say "paci." It sounds like poppy though when she says it. And she asks for it by name. A lot. Which makes me even more nervous about weaning her when the time comes.

Rustin's mom is watching her tomorrow while I clean the new house and move some things over (hopefully if the contractors aren't still there). Then my mom is coming Wed.-Fri. and Avery is going home with her until Monday. My mom stayed with her at our house when we went to Cozumel and she stayed in WF with my parents when we went to the Wichita Mountains for two nights, but those are the only times we've left her. I'm going to miss her a ton, but I know she will have fun. And when she comes back, hopefully we will be all settled into her new home!

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