Monday, January 28, 2013

Walking and Talking

Avery took her first consecutive steps on Dec. 21, but she didn't really "walk" until about a week later on Dec. 30. We took her to the church nursery that day and since she was sort of walking, we promoted her to the toddler room. I think she saw all those other kids walking and it gave her that extra push... and she hasn't looked back.

This is her wearing Baloo's leash after a walk. Trust me, I did NOT put it on her.

Now that she can walk, she loves going to the park. They re-vamped the one that is walking distance from our house, so we go there a lot. I'm very lucky to have a neighbor who is also a stay-at-home mom, so we've been able to go together. Her baby is 5 months old and happy as can be in the swing, but Avery is still scared of it. If I take her anywhere close, she says "no." Which is ironic since she spent the first 5 months of her life sleeping in a swing.

Speaking of no, it's her favorite word. It's so funny- no one ever "taught" her to say no. Every other word we'd encourage her to say and then clap and tell her good job when she said it. But we never did that with "no" yet she certainly learned to use it.

She still has a bad habit of dropping food while in her high chair. (Speaking of if anyone has any suggestions on how to break that I'd love to hear them. I've tried everything.) So she'll be sitting there and I'll hear "no" and see a mound of peas lying on the floor. She gives herself away.

She also says no and shakes her head whenever I sing. Tough crowd.

She likes to use no during bedtime too. She's very picky on which books she wants to read and will let you know if she doesn't want to read the one you've picked up. And if you don't get the hint when she says no, she'll close the book and push it away for you.

I guess I would be more frustrated, but she says it so cute, it just makes me laugh.


  1. She's a cutie. I have no advice on how to make her stop dropping stuff. I guess just embrace that now your dog has a very important job... to "clean" around her chair after every meal :)

  2. Elise drops food all the time too! The dogs LOVE her for it! If you find something that works make sure to let me know!

  3. Haha yes, the dog is LOVING this stage!
