Monday, January 14, 2013

Sleep at 16 Months

So I realized I hadn't mentioned Avery's sleeping at all in quite a while (gasp!). I guess when something stops being a problem, you don't worry about it as much. Or should I say - when I start getting the sleep I need, the world is at peace.

But what I am a little surprised about (but definitely NOT complaining about) is that she is still taking two naps. It seemed when talking to friends, 15 months was the magic age to switch to one nap, and I even have friends with younger babies already taking one nap. But after reading about it in my favorite book (Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child), there is a pretty big range of ages for babies to drop to one nap.

I thought the problem was that she was waking up too early, therefore needing the morning nap. If I could get her to sleep later, then maybe she would drop the morning nap and sleep in every day! One problem - how do you make a baby sleep later?

Answer: you can't. Yes, I've tried keeping her up later, but that usually backfires. I guess I could make her stay up until her afternoon nap, but that sounds like no fun for mom or baby.

So anyway even though it's hard to plan things, I am definitely not complaining that she is still taking two naps. And sometimes I even take the morning nap with her :) She's still sleeping through the night, so I don't see any reason to try to change things.

One thing I have learned from that little girl is that she's going to do things on her schedule and as much as mom tries to control or change it, she can't. So might as well just go with the flow!

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