Monday, July 15, 2013

Bye Bye Paci

So every time I've had to wean Avery off something it has given me anxiety - the swing, swaddling, the bottle, etc. But the paci is the big one. I have been dreading the day I weaned her off that since... well since she started using it.

She has just always loved it so much, and I didn't want to ever take it away! I always told people I was going to be "that mom" with the kid sucking on a paci her first day of kindergarten. 

Well the only paci she's ever wanted is the Wubbanub (the one with the animal on it). She had one with Clifford, but I bought another a while back because I wanted a back up, well she refused to take it. So I got another one, and she refused to take that one too. 

So I figured since she only liked the Clifford one, when something happened it then she would have to be weaned.

Sure enough, she chewed the tip halfway off. Since I didn't want her choking on it, I cut it all the way off and told her it was broke. Well that lasted maybe one morning. She kept crying and telling me it was broke. I felt so sorry for her and since I didn't really plan to wean her until she was 2, I decided to give in and give her the back-up paci.

Since she didn't take it in the past, I sort of thought it would appease her because she would have a "fixed" paci, but then she just wouldn't really want it. Well I was wrong, she loved it. 

So I was just going to go with it until she was 2, but then she chewed halfway through this one too. So again, I had to cut it off and tell her it was broke again.

Since I gave her a new one last time, now she keeps asking for a new one. (Good grief!!!)

Anyway this happened right before Rustin went away on a guy's canoe trip for the weekend. 


She is constantly fussy, constantly crying. Nothing I do makes her happy. This takes me back to the entire first year. 

It's funny, it seems right when you feel like you have it all down, life throws a curve ball. I'm hoping she learns to cope without paci soon before I get a new one out... 

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